Tuesday, December 2, 2008

420W journal5 two of different types of my friend

I have many friends, and I can divide their characters into two types; people who listen to others talk well and people who want to say their opinions. My friends who are good at listening to others tend to be quiet, but they are kind and they can sense people's feelings easily, so they hardly put the bad mouth on someone, and they have a power to make people relax. If I talk with this kind of my friends, I can also be kind to the person and I feel relax. On the other hand, some my friends are talkative and have own sturdy opinion. When I talk them, I can learn lots of things from them which is sometimes what I have never thought about. The occations to talk with them also gives me chances to think something or rethink what I thought. If I don't listen to them well, I can't say my opinion clearly, so I can also learn the importance of listening to someone and the skills of listening. If anything, I an a person who likes to talk and discuss, so some times arguing happens between me and the person. However, I think to argue is good way to consider a topic, and actually, I can learn a lot of things from the argument. In addition, I can trust them because they have their own opinions and the opinions are varid I feel. Both of them give me good influences, and that is the reason I love them and I want to keep in touch with.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

420W Journal4 ( I went to a concert! )

The group has four menbers. Two are Japanese, and two are Canadian who are brothers. I'm not interested in them before going to their concert. When I walked to my house, I got phone from host mother. She said if you wanted to go Monkey Majik's concert, she had one extra ticket, so you could go. Although I knew the group's name, I didn't know much about them. I was thinking for a while, and said "Yes". That was because I didn't want to waste the ticket. I went to the bar in which Monkey Majik had a concert with my hostfather's friend who is Canadian. There were lots of Japanese who were lining up for entering the bar and they looked so excited. I got into the bar which was not so big but cozy, and blown is the prevailing color in the bar. People came into the bar and the bar became crowded. The time passed, and people was getting fridget, and me too. Then some people in front of the bar shouted crazily, and everyone looked at the stage. Monkey majik was coming! Some shouted, and some jumped and shaked their hands, and some put bunny cap and appeal they were here. The Canadian guy who are old brother wore a snug T shirt and block flat cap, and the other guy wore a goggle on the gray knit cap and casual block T shirt with silver neckless. They were on the stage which was very near from the place I stood. I didn't try, but I think I could touch them if I tried. Their voice was so clear and strong, and even if they were Canadian, they sang in Japanese and they had no accent. The fans including me moved their hands like a wave. I felt we were like run of fish because we unified and moved for same purpose. I never felt such a identification. It was so amazing and was difficult to explain in words, but I really enjoyed it. Before that day, Monkey Mojik was just one of the group in thousands groups all over the world, and now, but now, they makes part of my life!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

420W Journal3 ( What I learned in this class )

It has passed one month and a half, which is half of this session. Since the session started, I have learned lots of very useful and logical way to write academic paragraph. Actually I knew something about the skills, because my major is English education and I had chances to study about that. However, what I did in my class in Japan was just reading books which was not specific and boring. While in this class, I could learn many important things, for example, the importance of blainstorming and outline is one of the most impressive thing for me. At first, I doubted if it is useful to write paragraphs even though Eilidh told us it was very important. I thought it was more efficient to use the limited time to write paragraph insted of wasting the time for brainstorming and outline. Few weeks later, I realized my thought was compleately wrong. How easy to write if I brainstorm and write oultine well bofore starting writing! I was impressed!! Eilidh was correct!! The skills not only made the time I write paragraph shorter, but also made me write more logicaly, specific and methodical. I also learned the importance of transition. Using proper transition makes writing more crealy, specific and easy to understand. Especially academic writing, choosing appropriate transition is necessary. These two idea impress me. Today, Eilidh adviced me to use more complicated sentences. I tried to use, but it was difficult for me because of my lacking vocabrary. I realized what I need to do first is to know and try to use transition.

Friday, October 17, 2008

420W Journal2

I study English in English language institute program now. I'm very happy to be here and study English here. Actually, I didn't have any plans to go abroad to study English until March 2008, but I felt I couldn't have conversation well. I am a university student in Japan, and I had opportunities to talk with persons who are from many countries in English when I'm in Japan, because my major is English education. I really like to talk with people, but I couldn't speak well. I always felt frustration when I talked people. Why can't I understand what they say? Why can't I speak what I want to say? I thought I want to improve my speaking skill. That was the incentive to study English. The other reason is I have to write my graduation thesis in English, so I'd like to brush up my writing skill and know how to write thesis in English. The reason I chose Canada is my teacher in my university from Canada. He was a student of UBC, and he told me about UBC. He also told me about Canada's culture, food, place, and people, and the story attracted me very much. In addition, the place I learn English is in UBC, and I expected I could have chances to talk with native speakers in UBC. For these reasons, I chose the program, and I'm studying English here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

420W Journal1

I have to write my graduation thesis in English. This is the reason I chose this course. Actually, I'm not good at writing so I don't like writing in English except when I write letters or send email to my friend. I have to read books to refer for my thesis. The books were written by someone. If they didn't write these books, I can't read them. Ican know about lots of things even it's past events from books. To write something means to pass infomations to other people with letters. It is very important to bring down the informations. We can't tell informations to many people and tell them correctly without some letters. There is a limit of telling them by only a mouth.What writing means to me is to record my research. I'd like people to read my graduation thesis and think about it. I think to write something is one of the occasions that we express what I want to say and what I am. Writing is a good way to be known to people about ourselves. These are the answers about these questions, what writing means to me, what is it, why do I do and what is it for.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hello! This is Yukino's blog. I'm from Japan which is a small island. I'm a student of University and I'm majoring in English education. I want to be a elementary school's teacher because I want to have lunch school serves. I miss that lunch very much. Half of this is just jorking and The true reason I want to be a elementary school's teacher is I love children very much! How cute children's smile are! How amazing children's action are! I'm studying English for to be a good teacher. I love volley ball very much. I had played volleyball for 6 years when I was in a junior highschool and high school. I love eating, sleeping and playing! I think many people like these things. Nice to meet you!